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Google invests in $5bn wind-power superhighway

The Atlantic Wind Connection Project will serve 1.9m homes from New Jersey to Virginia with electricity from dozens of offshore windfarms.


Robot arm punches human to obey Asimov's rules

ISAAC ASIMOV would probably have been horrified at the experiments under way in a robotics lab in Slovenia. There, a powerful robot has been hitting people over and over again in a bid to induce anything from mild to unbearable...

Category: Robotics


Sun's role in warming the planet may be overestimated

"The discovery could help explain why Europe can have cold winters while the world as a whole is heating up"

Category: Climate Change


A distant Earth-like exoplanet 'could have life'

"Astronomers have detected an Earth-like exoplanet that may have just the right kind of conditions to support life."

Category: Space


Environmental concern over Sri Lanka nuclear plans

"Environmentalists in Sri Lanka have expressed concern over government plans to build a nuclear power plant by 2025. Energy Minister Champika Ranawaka... ...has said the country needs to ensure that there will be no power cuts...

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 551 to 555 out of 2977